Monmouth County officials: Alan Antaki restricted airport inspection

(Sept 19, 2024) A group of Monmouth County Republicans picketed a fundraiser for Republican County Commissioner Susan Kiley in Spring Lake Tuesday evening  (Sept 17 )  because they are opposed to the commissioner’s support for an eminent domain condemnation of a privately owned airport in Wall Township. 

The group of 20 demonstrators, led by Marlboro Township Republican Municipal Chairman Renzo Kolenovic, say the attempted seizure of the Monmouth Executive airport by the county is a betrayal of Republican ideals and a costly vanity maneuver by Commission Director Thomas Arnone.   

“Republicans are supposed to be the party of less government interference, lower taxes, and support for private business,” said Kolenovic, who is chairman of  the newly formed Real Republicans For Monmouth (RRFM)  group. “Sue Kiley and the  Monmouth County Commissioners don’t stand for any of those things.” 

Kolenovic said Kiley has yet to explain why she is supporting the costly plan to take the private airport. “Sue Kiley is running for office in November, but has said nothing to the voters – including those in the Republican Party – why she backs what could prove to be one of the costliest maneuvers in Monmouth County history. If she wants Republican support, she must explain why she wants to take  the airport from its current owner.”  

The  county’s attempted condemnation of the 340-acre Monmouth Executive Airport  – and  400 acres of adjacent property –  has been a secretive plan by the commissioners who refuse to tell the taxpayers why the county needs the airport, what they intend to do with it, or how much it will cost to take the airport and operate it.”

“All we know is that Commissioner Arnone said in March he has a “pet peeve” about Monmouth not having an airport while other counties do,” said Kolenovic. “I don’t think government should be run by pet peeves.”  

The county’s plan to take the airport belonging to Alan Antaki, first  came to light when the commissioners quietly approved a resolution on November 9, 2023  — just two days after Election Day –  announcing they wanted to begin preliminary investigation into seizing the airport and demanded access to the property. No mention of condemning the airport was made prior to Election Day, and since then, no public meetings on the airport condemnation have been held, according to Kolenovic. 

On September 12, the commissioners approved a $180,000 contract with Merchant Aviation  of Summit, NJ  to do a feasibility study of the county’s operation of the airport. 

The county hired the powerful politically-connected law firm from Essex County in May 2023 to serve as special counsel for the airport seizure – without informing the press or the public.  As of July, the county has paid that firm — O’Toole, Scrivo of Cedar Grove — nearly $250,000, including at least $15,000 for a public relations firm–  Kessler PR Group, whose president, Karen Kesler, is a commissioner of the New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission.

Kolenovic says it has been rumored that the county’s taking of the airport is linked to a New Jersey Economic Development Authority plan to subsidize the building of a vast movie studio at Fort Monmouth by Netflix.

Former county commissioner Gary Rich from Manasquan said the seizing of private property by a government must have a clearly defined objective that is beneficial to the public – and it must be done openly.

“I am disappointed in the commissioners’ plan to take the airport. It does not reflect Republican values. I especially dislike the fact that this government condemnation of a business has been in the works for almost 11 months without any public discussion about how acquiring a privately run, tax paying airport, will serve a public need,” said Rich. 

“As a lifelong Republican, I hate to say that this secretive abuse of government power appears that it will benefit only the political insiders, not the taxpayers. I hope the commissioners re-think their plan,” said Rich. 

Kolenovic said many Republicans he has talked to are  dissatisfied with the way the current GOP leadership is running county government and the party – which is why he is starting a new organization.

“Republicans I know want to support real Republicans,” said Kolenovic

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