About Our Mission

President Trump - Real Republicans of Monmouth County

Our mission is to  create a political organization in Monmouth County  that is dedicated to electing men and women to office who are committed to  Real Republican values; including: reducing government spending, limiting the size of government, respecting private property rights and stopping government corruption.  

We formed Real Republicans For Monmouth County because the values that you and I share, are not reflected in the Monmouth County Republican Organization (MCRO) or in Monmouth County government. 

The MCRO Chairman Shaun Golden is an  entrenched political power broker concerned only with expanding his reach and keeping taxpayer money flowing to his war chest.

The MCRO is ruled with an iron fist. The Chairman tolerates no dissent. Retribution is meted out to anyone who disagrees with the chairman. His power is secured through a network of political operatives who do his bidding or risk losing their jobs or government contracts. 

As Real Republicans, we reject political bossism and machine politics. We reject the practice of sacrificing Republican values to make deals with Democrats. 

Our vision for Monmouth Republicans is to  nurture an effective values-centered  political organization that is open, welcoming and transparent.  Our mission is to attract talented people who believe in and will fight for Real Republican values. 

If you share our philosophy  and goals, please donate to our organization or become a volunteer. Go to our How You Can Help page. To stay in touch with RRMC, sign up to receive our updates via email.  We invite you to send  your comments and questions to us at RealRepulicans2025@gmail.com

How You Can Help – host a party at your house, walk with your candidates in your neighborhood, make phone calls

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