‘Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.’ –Thomas Paine, “Common Sense,” January 1776
As Real Republicans we believe in smaller government, lower taxes and less government interference in our lives. We want safe communities, border security and an end to Sanctuary States and Cities.
We believe officials at all levels of government must cut regulations support small business growth and respect the role of the entrepreneurs and their value to our economy.
We reject the woke ideology that is foisted on us and our children by New Jersey’s liberals. We believe parents have a right to determine what their children are taught in school, and a right to reject far leftist teachings on gender, race and the history of America.
We believe in the U.S. Constitution; the limits it places on government – and the freedoms it allows individuals. We believe elected officials should abide by the Constitution.
Like Donald Trump, we believe in the greatness of America and that the way to achieve that greatness is by less government regulation and more personal freedom.
We believe in principled, honest leadership. We oppose all forms of government corruption and deal making that enriches political insiders and companies at the expense of taxpayers.
To strengthen our party, there must be democracy in the Republican organizations in Monmouth County. People’s voices should be heard and party leaders should be questioned. We oppose political dictators and their strong- arm tactics employed against anyone who disagrees with them.